Varicose veins
by Dr. Yiannis Neofytou

Looking at your feet, do you feel like you are entangled in a spider web? The varicose veins, which show their preference for the female sex, are reminiscent of arachnoid formations. With LASER, however, we deal with them painlessly and effectively. The Main Benefits Of Laser Therapy Are:
* It is a treatment suitable for all skin types
* Effectively “extinguishes” any type of varicose veins
* It is applied without pain and leaves no marks
* Offers visible results from the 1st session
* You return immediately to your daily activities
* 2-4 sessions are enough to deal with the problem radically
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Mesopen is an alternative form of mesotherapy. It helps the penetration of active substances, creating portals of entry into the skin barrier with the creation of controlled micronulls, thanks to its specially designed head (pen with 12 tiny titanium pins), without obvious skin injury. Through this mechanism of action, the penetration capacity of the active substances increases.
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