How does microcrystal dermabrasion help with acne?


The head of the device propels thousands of microcrystals, which deeply cleanse the skin and remove dead cells and blackheads and diminish open pores. Once in contact with the skin the microcrystals remove cornified cells, dirt and sebum leaving the skin clean.

How does microcrystal dermabrasion help with acne?2018-12-28T10:50:43+02:00

How many sessions are needed for the treatment of acne by microcrystal dermabrasion?


The number of sessions depends on the case and on whether the patient is receiving local or systematic acne treatment. A single session is enough for a radiant, clean of dirt and sebum but also fresh skin. Patients with comedonal acne or patients with acne who do not wish to receive medication need more sessions. [...]

How many sessions are needed for the treatment of acne by microcrystal dermabrasion?2018-12-28T10:49:57+02:00
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