How does photodynamic therapy help on acne?


Photodynamic therapy or PDT is the latest and most revolutionary treatment of active acne modern dermatology has to offer. Acne is the most common skin disease and the appearance of its symptoms is caused by the acne bacterium  Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). With the help of Photodynamic therapy  PDT the treatment of the annoying and [...]

How does photodynamic therapy help on acne?2018-12-19T09:10:21+02:00

How does photodynamic therapy act on acne?


Photodynamic therapy requires three basic elements to work: A photosensitizer: Acne light treatment is based on the fact that P. acnes bacteria produce porphyrinsas metabolic products. These porphyrins act as internal photosensitisers inside the pilosebaceousfollicle and are activated by visible light, creating a photochemical reaction which eradicates bacteria. The external application of a photosensitizing substance [...]

How does photodynamic therapy act on acne?2018-12-19T09:09:12+02:00
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