Chlamydia can be treated with bacteriostatic antibiotics: macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin et al.) or Tetracyclines (Doxycycline, Tetracycline et al.), while in pregnant and breastfeeding women mainly Erythromycin or alternative Amoxicillin are recommended.

As a rule, it is recommended that both partners be treated.

If the disease is not treated, it can cause serious reproductive and other health problems , such as eye infections (trachoma), in the lungs and the ears. Especially, in women it can cause :

  • chronic inflammatory pelvic disease, which is considered the most serious complication of the disease and shows a severe clinical pisture in its acute form
  • salpingitis
  • acute endometritis
  • ectopic pregnancy (chlamydia cause 40% of ectopic pregnancies)
  • premature delivery, impaired fetal development and low birth weight
  • infertility

In men it can cause :

  • urethritis
  • epididymitis
  • sterility

In a newborn baby it can cause conjunctivitis (1/3 of the cases within the first 2 weeks of his life) or pneumonia ( 15% within the first 4 months). 50-60% of newborns from mothers with Chlamydial Urethritis are infected by the disease.